
Hello and welcome, folks!

Hi everyone!

Firstly, thanks for checking out my blog. I've recently discovered the wonderful world of beauty blogging and I'm hooked. For the uniniated, the beauty blog's sole purpose in life seems to be to unleash my inner beauty zombie. Giddy over all the gorgeous make up collections and endless array of new products, I find myself heading straight for the nearest make up counter, moaning, 'MUST...BUY...LIPSTICK/EYESHADOW/PRODUCT I ALREADY HAVE MILLIONS OF...NNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOWWWW!' It's only when I tripped over my three post-house move boxes of make up and hair 'essentials', that I realised that I might have some knowledge to share myself!

So here it is. Hopefully you'll find this blog the perfect solution to endless beauty dilemmas, but more likely, the not-really-needed excuse to go out and buy a new lippie!

Enjoy! x

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